Scholarship Award Announcement – Junior High School, Academic Year 2019-2020
Congratulations for The Awardees: 1. Hulbert Win Wijaya 2. Stevano Raja Kurniawan 3. Fritz Alberto Kartawaria and the top 10 achievers
Congratulations for The Awardees: 1. Hulbert Win Wijaya 2. Stevano Raja Kurniawan 3. Fritz Alberto Kartawaria and the top 10 achievers
7th and 8th grader went to Puncak for their scout camp this year. John Paul’s School deliberately provides camp to bring students closer to nature. In this camping, students are educated toRead More…
Retreat is a common component of JPS tradition. This is the school’s way of bringing the graduating students closer to God, giving them the opportunity to reflect and to meditate. It alsoRead More…
For four days, October 9-12 John Paul’s School Grades 10 and 11 students went to Gunung Bundar for their leadership training. With the theme ‘Stand Up and Lead’, this four-day training aimedRead More…